Bonus - Income Report August 2017

Welcome you to our first SustainableJoes’ income report episode.

Our intention is to accomplish the following three things with this series of income reporting episodes:


As we work to produce and share content inspiring the leaders of today and tomorrow, with better ways of being, acting and developing; we want to provide a realistic view of what growing a business looks like…AND we want to provide that perspective in real time. Real time being as we transition sustianablejoes from a passion project to a successful enterprise.


At SustainableJoes we believe transparency is absolutely critical to build a foundation of trust. As such, I want to transparently Illustrate what revenues we bring in, operational costs, and other channels of support.


We want to say thank you, and share our plan for the next 30 days.

This is a vulnerable episode for us, as traditionally we would keep finances close to the chest. However, we believe this is the right thing to do and hope it supports your growth.

So lets get right to!

Yours, SustainableJoes