Episode 14 In this episode we interview the YOUNGEST BUN!!! Seriously, guys he’s 7 and he wants to draw you things.
For This Week On Bunz we cover: The dildo paperweight, scented tampons/pussy potpourri, Chinatown postcard mystery dudes, Bun reunited with her lost laptop, Bun found another bun’s dropped cellphone, Little Free Pantry, ring stuck on finger for 12 years, missing Sphynx named Skin, CheeTOES, how to annoy your neighbours, the loudest sounds in Toronto, cat and mini pig need homes, Pokemon watercolour tattoos for trade, Ikea furniture assembly service.
Get in the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) for links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us find rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz.
We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome.
Music Credit: rabbitfoot capers
To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com