Ep 26 ISO: Preparation

This week I speak with a Canadian Red Cross volunteer about how we could all be better prepared for emergency.

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: Sun·K

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP25 ISO: Podcasts

This week I speak with Bunz podcast co-host Calli B

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: Techromancer

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 24 ISO: Sustainability

This week I speak with documentarian and sustainable living guru Stephen Szucs of Sustainable Joes

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: krzyzis

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 23 ISO: John Connor

This week I speak with Bunz developer human resistance officer in the making Chris Barless

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: The Maladies of Adam Stokes

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 22 ISO: Entertainment Unit

or links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: In Drift

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 21 ISO: Board Games

This week I speak with someone from the Bunz assisted after school program The Elephant Space

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit: Straight To Business

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 20 ISO: Good Health

This week I dug up a lost interview with the bride from Fort McMurray

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook


Music Credit: BingeNinja


If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 19 ISO: Someone to Take Up the Challenge

This week I sit down with Uncle Mort and he actually interviews me

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit:: ambsace

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP18 ISO: Your Appetite

This week I sit down with creator of The Piquey Eater Katherine

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit:: Ruthless Ones

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 17 ISO: A Million Dollar Idea

This week I sit down with Bunz CEO Sascha

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit:: The Dearly Bereft

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 16 ISO: Quick Change on VHS, Community

This week I sit down with Alison and Lindsay from CBC's the Podcast Playlist

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit:: The Most Loyal

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 15 ISO: Time Off

This week we took some time off. Here are some of the hit songs from episodes past

EP 14 ISO: Sour cream for my CheeTOES, tips on how to annoy the neighbours, missing Sphinx cat named Skin, home for a mini pig

Episode 14 In this episode we interview the YOUNGEST BUN!!! Seriously, guys he’s 7 and he wants to draw you things.

For This Week On Bunz we cover: The dildo paperweight, scented tampons/pussy potpourri, Chinatown postcard mystery dudes, Bun reunited with her lost laptop, Bun found another bun’s dropped cellphone, Little Free Pantry, ring stuck on finger for 12 years, missing Sphynx named Skin, CheeTOES, how to annoy your neighbours, the loudest sounds in Toronto, cat and mini pig need homes, Pokemon watercolour tattoos for trade, Ikea furniture assembly service.

Get in the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) for links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us find rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz.

We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome.

Music Credit: rabbitfoot capers

To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com

EP 13 ISO: Less Food Waste

For links and notes on everything we talk about on This Week in Bunz join the Bunz Podcast Zone on facebook

Music Credit:: Amy Rivard

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 12 ISO: Homemade Food

Check out Bunz Podcast Zone on Facebook for links to this week in bunz. 

Kohji sits down with an economist to talk online economy and how trading has become so popular again.

Music Credit: Richey Lynch

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 11 ISO: Amateur Private Detective Cases, Pussy Juice Vape Flavor, Fake Grad Pics, WayHome Crowd Surfer, Pigeon Friends, Motorcycle Riders, Places to House Sit

Episode 11 In this episode we interview the Perpetual House Sitter: Steven Twigg and talk about having no fixed address, but trading house/pet-sitting services for free rent.  

For This Week On Bunz we cover: Amateur Private Detective, 90s Nostalgia posts (90s Posters, Power Rangers Trading Cards, Dream Phone), Final Fantasy VII Zine/PDF, ISO Pussy Juice Vape Flavor, Taxidermied Mouse Headband, Free Trip to the Dominican to Rescue Dogs, CF Meds, Volunteers for Good Food Help, Fake Grad Pics, Person Who Helped the Lost Grandma, Mini Cakes For Sad Folks To Cheer You Up, “Hipster” Longboard Moving Co, Teddy Bear, Stolen/unlocked bikes, 2ft long Snake, Racoon Vacating Help, Vitality Clothes, WayHome Crowd Surfer, Pigeon Friends, Furry Masks, Bunztember.  

Get in the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) for links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us find rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz. 

We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome. 

Music Credit: The Buddha Pests 
To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com

EP 10 ISO House Plants, Really, really, really, wanna zig-a-zig-ahhh, the Wayhome Dick Pic Bandit, adult sized lobster costume and someone to make a Bunz Troll costume for Fan Expo

For This Week On Bunz: Bunz missed connection, thanking Martin from 311, GIANT zucchinis, Pokemon Go tandem bike service, missing bird returned home safe, MOAR Spice Girls memorabilia (POP ROCKS), penis enlarger, Bathe n’ Brew shower head coffee maker, cuties kitties that need homes, Mousseline the 13 year old cat found a foster home, The Saga of the Guinea Pigs continues, random sucker punch, Luna the abused dog needs a foster or forever home!!!, the Wayhome Dick Pic Bandit, the Beck Taxi driver sexual harassment post, the hunt for the adult sized lobster costume and Kohji’s Bunztember Project. Oh, and that girl who drunkenly orders WAY TOO MUCH delivery food does it again. 

Get in the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) for links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us find rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz. 

We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome. 

Music Credit: mellowtone 
To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com

EP 09 ISO: Candy, Someone to Take Me Wayhome

Episode 9! In this episode we round up our Wayhome experience. Since we recording from a hot car and the reception stinks we will do a full recap of this week in bunz on the next episode. 

I sit down and talk to Andrew Gardner about 3D printing Drakes, the Bunz maker economy and candy. You can check out his site here and the Drakes here

Music Credit: Song Credit: Falcon Jane

If you want your music on the show email podcast@bunz.com and if you want to be heard call 647 ZEN TROL and as always signup at BUNZ.COM

EP 08 ISO: A cat sitter, corn husks, mystery sk8r identity, magazines for an art project, any home furniture, wizards, The Matrix on VHS, drawings of Alf from memory

Episode 6 In this episode we interview Andrew 0'Mara, the now infamous maker of the Bunz 3D printed wizards!!! He talks about making them, trading them and teaching others how to 3D print. Also check out his blog Draw Alf From Memory.  

For This Week On Bunz: Bunz Site/App launch in other cities, ANOTHER baby racoon post, Neil DeGrasse Tyson the Guinea pig, the search for the mystery sk8r boi, Keanu the rescue kitten needs a cat sitter, someone is ISO a LOT of corn husks, flat of avocados, lavender cupcakes, the mystery of the “Mei, Come Home” Graffiti, someone needs magazines for an art project, girl who broke up with her fiancee needs your home decor/furniture, stick n’ pokes for trade, travel companion needed to bring back a rescue dog from the Dominican Republic, Spice Girls memorabilia, boner questions, rat-sized centipedes and the saga of the $1000 purse.  

Get in the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) to see links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us find rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz. 

We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome. 

Music Credit: SJ Kurtis 
Song Credit: Home by SJ Kurtis 
To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com

EP 07 ISO: Backstory on the Bunz Engagement, Pokemon, 30 selfies with 30 dogs, MORE VEGAN CHEESECAKE (for two).

Episode 7: In this episode we interview Bunz admin Jamin about Indigenous issues on Bunz, about the cultural appropriation present in the zone, owning and trading items/culturally significant items from cultures that are not your own, the importance of rational discourse, emotional labour, self-educating, what it’s like to be a Bunz admin and put out the many garbage fires that often transpire in the comments.  

For This Week On Bunz we cover the first ever Bunz Flea Market happening in the fall, Bunz Mystery Engagement - we need the backstory!!!!, found baby raccoon happy and sad posts, update on the girl who traded for a professional pizza making day as a birthday present for her boyfriend, reuniting hand written letters with their rightful owner, developing photos of whale sharks, a young LGBTQ2SIAA couple who needs your unwanted stuff for their first apartment, 20 Tonnes of wood chips/sawdust, Pokemon Go posts on bunz (Snopes says that traffic jam article was fake, whoops!), 30 selfies with 30 dogs for a 30th birthday celebration, Koji’s Bunz For A Month and sexual conquests leaving you tokens to trade with. 

Join the Bunz Podcast Zone (facebook.com/groups/bunzpodcastzone) to see links to all of the threads talked about in every week’s episode (so you can read the awesome comments), and help us source rad threads you see and we miss, for This Week On Bunz.  

We feature your voicemails every episode so LEAVE SOME DAMN VOICEMAILS!!! 647-ZEN-TROL (946-8765) all comments, complaints, rants and raves, love letters and best trade stories welcome.  

Song Credit:   The Holy Gasp 
To submit music to be featured on the show email podcast@bunz.com