S02E03- Renee Reina

Welcome to Baby ≈Puppy, the parenting podcast for anyone raising a human or furbaby.

On this episode, I was joined by The Mom Room founder, Renee Reina. The Mom Room represents a no

bullshit, real-life image of motherhood that moms can actually relate to and take comfort in. Renee creates hilarious content on TikTok, Instagram, and now The Mom Room Podcast where she has candid conversations with other moms and professionals regarding postpartum recovery, maternal mental health, relationships post-baby, mom guilt, mom shaming, hormones, being the default parent, taking time for yourself, having a life outside the home, etc. We delved deep into the Instagram vs. Reality phenomenon as it relates to both new parenthood and dog ownership. Enjoy!


Find Renee at:

Website: https://reneereina.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.mom.room/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the.mom.room?lang=e

Find me at:

Facebook and Instagram @MeetYourMutt