S02E02- Rosalee Lahaie Hera

Welcome to Baby ≈Puppy, the parenting podcast for anyone raising a human or furbaby.

On this episode, I was joined by Certified Pediatric & Newborn Sleep Consultant, Rosalee Lahaie Hera. Rosalee is the founder of Baby Sleep Love and the co-founder of The Parent Playbook. We discussed the many similarities between crib and crate training, as well as sleep anxiety and transitions and the importance of establishing boundaries and being predictable and consistent… with both babies and dogs!

Find Rosalee at:
Website: www.babysleeplove.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/babysleeplove
Instagram: www.instagram.com/babysleeplove

Find me at:
Facebook and Instagram @MeetYourMutt