Episode 3: Junior Felix

Junior Felix  is a 4 piece Toronto-based rock and roll band. Born in Peterborough, Ontario and raised in traditional garage-rock fashion, Junior Felix is the product of late night jam sessions. When they aren’t playing music they can be found yelling at Yankee fans or owning a café.  We talk about pizza, being dirt bags, and the penis game.

Junior Felix is playing in Peterborough on June 1,  be sure to check them out, or at least go visit half the band at Village Pizza or Hub Coffee in Toronto.

Band recco’ Toilet Poets (pigeon wigs and extentions) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riy7DbwMwxk

And also Drum and Bread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfelEwT0tFg

You can find the song we played today, “Oh The Life I Live” and others  on their Soundcloud and Bandcamp.

Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/wearejuniorfelix
Bandcamp http://wearejuniorfelix.bandcamp.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wearejuniorfelix/
Twitter https://twitter.com/juniorfelixband
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wearejuniorfelix/