Tokyo Police Club is a 4-piece indie rock band, originally hailing from Newmarket, Ontario. This week we sat down with Graham, and talked about his personal projects. Currently co-host of the first Riverdale podcast Stay Outta Riverdale, Graham chatted with us about getting into the music industry young, CW Netflix original Riverdale, and his annoying extra apartment.
The YTV show I was talking about was Short Circuitz. Here’s an episode: See also “The Mind’s Eye” This may or may not help explain vaporwave.
Keep an eye out for TPC shilling Motts Clamato on National Caesar Day, May 18th, at Danforth Music Hall
Check out Stay Outta Riverdale on iTunes/Apple Music.
You can find the song we played today, “Through The Wire” on their 2014 album “Forcefield”
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