Episode 5: The Deforesters

This week we’ve got Deforesters!  They’re a four piece super-band with members from other Toronto bands such as PUP, Plan 37 and The Roman Line, playing punk rock with pop sensibilities.  We chatted with lead singer and bassist Matt and introduced him to the spoopy world of tarot.

Be sure to check out Deforesters newest release, Leonard.

Also listen to this amazing rendition of Deforesters playing MMMBop: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRGXpDzFywk/?taken-by=deforesters 

You can find the song we played today, “What Do You Want On Your Tombstone”  their newest release Leonard.
Bandcamp - https://deforesters.bandcamp.com/
Facebook - www.fb.me/DEFORESTERS
Twitter - www.twitter.com/deforesterssuck
Instagram- www.instagram.com/deforesters/